Bloodworms with Spirulina and Garlic 100g
27.14 AED
General Information:
Whole live, high quality Bloodworms that were quickly frozen with a flash-freezer, resulting in whole animals and a minimum of nutrients leaching into the aquarium water. - Enriched with the unique combination of Spirulina and garlic. - With highly digestible Spirulina algae to enhance the natural colors of the fish and to stimulate a better growth.
- With fresh garlic to promote health by improving the resistance against parasites while boosting the immune system.
Ingredients: Bloodworms
Recommended For: Brackish Water Fish, Oddballs, Dwarf Cichlids, Livebearers, Shrimps, Paradise Fish ,Mudskipper, South-American Cichlids, Tetra's, Rainbow Fish, Eels, Angels, Danio's, Cichlids, Mollies, Discus, Frogs, Axolotl, Barbs, Ctenopoma, Discus - Angels, Barbs - Tetra's - Rasbora's, Piranha, Rasbora's, Crabs, Shrimps - Crayfish - Crabs, Catfish, Gourami, Newts, Loaches, Crayfish, Catfish - Loaches - Eels, Guppies, Newts - Frogs, Labyrinthfish, Piranha's, Platies, Betta's, Swordtails.Best Before Guarantee: 30/06/2026

Black Mosquito Larvae 100g
20.00 AED
General Information:
Black mosquito larvae are a good alternative for many different species of fish, especially those that have difficulties in digesting the hemoglobin in bloodworms. This phenomenon is typical in many African Cichlids.
Ingredients: Insects
Recommended For: Brackish Water Fish, Oddballs, Dwarf Cichlids, Livebearers, Shrimps, Paradise Fish, Mudskipper, South-American Cichlids, Tetra's, RainbowFish, Eels, Angels, Danio's, Victoria Cichlids, Cichlids, Mollies, Discus, Frogs, Axolotl, Barbs, Ctenopoma, Discus - Angels, Barbs - Tetra's -Rasbora's, Tanganyika Cichlids, Piranha, Rasbora's, Crabs, Shrimps - Crayfish - Crabs, Malawi Cichlids, Catfish, Gourami, Newts, Loaches, Crayfish, Catfish - Loaches - Eels, Guppies,Newts - Frogs, Labyrinthfish, Piranha's, Platies, Betta's, Swordtails.Best Before Guarantee: 31/05/2026

Artemia Brine Shrimp flatpack 454g
69.05 AED
Whole live Artemia that were quickly frozen with our "flash-freezer" resulting in whole animals and a minimum of nutrient leaching into the aquarium water.Best Before Guarantee: 31/05/2027

3F Artemia Flat Pack 1 KG
138.57 AED
3F frozen Artemia is caught in the wild and selected on size and purity which stimulates the appetite of your fish and does not contaminate the water. Its suitable for both Marine and Freshwater fish.Best Before Guarantee: 01/08/2025

Small Frozen Rabbits Avg.8 pcs (8 to 9k...
387.14 AED
Frozen Rabbits which weigh between 1-1.3kg.
The rabbits small are meat rabbits. They are kept in welfare cages, which means that the rabbits can stand upright and have more space than conventionally kept rabbits.
*This is a raw animal feed. Not for Human consumption.Best Before Guarantee: 14/03/2026

White Shrimps 100g
20.00 AED
General information:
These 2-3 cm Penaeid (marine) shrimps form a very desirable nutrient-rich, natural food for much marine fish.
Ingredients: Marine Shrimp
Recommended For: Blowfish, Angels, Angels - Pygmy Angels, Sharks - Rays, Groupers, Box-, Blow- and Pufferfish, Basslets, Boxfish, Rays, Pufferfish, Wrasses, Triggerfish, Sharks, Basslets - Groupers, Pygmy Angels.Best Before Guarantee: 30/04/2026

Marine Fish Eggs 100g
38.10 AED
General Information:
Fish eggs are an essential part of the natural diet of many marine and tropical fish.The Ocean Nutrition fish eggs (600–800 micron) are of marine origin and contain high levels of the highly unsaturated fatty acids arachidonic acid (ARA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The surrounding membrane is a natural guarantee against leaching so assuring optimal water quality.
- Contains marine phospholipids. - Ideal to wean off fish off live food. - Believed to trigger breeding responses.
Ingredients: Capelin
Recommended For: Dwarf Cichlids, Angels, Angels - Pygmy Angels ,Livebearers, Shrimps, Pipefish, Paradise Fish, Shrimps, Damsels, South-American Cichlids, Tetra's, Seahorses, Rainbow Fish, Angels, Danio's, Mandarins - Cardinals, Hawkfish, Victoria Cichlids, Cichlids, Razorfish, Invertebrates, Basslets, Mollies, Discus, Gobies, Barbs, Ctenopoma, Discus - Angels, Blennies, Barbs - Tetra's -Rasbora's, Surgeonfish, Seahorses - Razorfish, Mandarins, Wrasses, Tanganyika Cichlids, Crustaceans, Anthias, Gobies - Blennies, Rasbora's, Crabs, Cardinals, Shrimps - Crayfish - Crabs, Malawi Cichlids, Catfish, Damsels - Anthias, Clownfish, Gourami, Butterflyfish, Loaches, Crayfish, Catfish - Loaches - Eels, Guppies, Labyrinthfish, Platies, Basslets - Groupers, Pygmy Angels,Betta's,Swordtails.Best Before Guarantee: 28/02/2027

Marine Quintet 100g
20.95 AED
General Information:
A combination of five premium single ingredients (Artemia, rotifers, squid, chopped cockle and chopped krill superba) in one package to bring variation to the menu for your marine fish.
Ingredients: Artemia, rotifers, squid, chopped cockle and chopped krill Superba.
Recommended For: Nano Reef, Blowfish, Angels, Angels - Pygmy Angels, Shrimps, Damsels, Groupers, Blow- and Pufferfish, Mandarins - Cardinals, Hawkfish, Soft Corals, Invertebrates, Basslets, Gobies, Blennies, Boxfish, Surgeonfish, Pufferfish, Mandarins, Hard Corals, Crustaceans ,Anthias, Gobies - Blennies, Cardinals, Damsels - Anthias, Clownfish, Butterflyfish, Basslets - Groupers, Pygmy Angels.Best Before Guarantee: 31/03/2025

Mysis with Spirulina and Garlic 100g
23.33 AED
General Information:
Whole live, high quality Mysis that were quickly frozen with a flash-freezer, resulting in whole animals and a minimum of nutrients leaching into the aquarium water. - Enriched with the unique combination of Spirulina and garlic. - With highly digestible Spirulina algae to enhance the natural colors of the fish and to stimulate a better growth.
- With fresh garlic to promote health by improving the resistance against parasites while boosting the immune system.
Ingredients: Mysis
Recommended For: Brackish Water Fish, Oddballs, Angels, Angels - Pygmy Angels, Pipefish, Shrimps, Mudskipper, Damsels, South-American Cichlids, Seahorses, Angels, Mandarins - Cardinals, Hawkfish,Victoria Cichlids, Cichlids, Soft Corals, Razorfish, Invertebrates, Discus, Gobies, Discus - Angels, Blennies, Surgeonfish, Seahorses - Razorfish, Mandarins, Wrasses, Hard Corals, Tanganyika Cichlids, Crustaceans, Anthias, Gobies - Blennies, Cardinals, Malawi Cichlids, Damsels - Anthias, Clownfish, Butterflyfish, Pygmy Angels.Best Before Guarantee: 30/05/2026

Mysis flatpack 454g
64.29 AED
These premium quality shrimps are highly appreciated by all carnivorous freshwater and marine fish. Fresh frozen, they keep their original white color and whole animal form.Best Before Guarantee: 31/03/2027

Mussel Whole 100g
20.95 AED
General information:
These small, select, whole mussels are well cleaned and fresh frozen. This is an excellent source of marine protein for a variety of marine fish.
Ingredients: Mussels
Recommended For: Asian Arowana, Brackish Water Fish, Stonefish, Oddballs, Blowfish, Angels, Angels - Pygmy Angels, Mudskipper, South-American Cichlids, Stingrays, Sharks - Rays, South American Arowana, Groupers, Lionfish - Stonefish, Box-, Blow- and Pufferfish, Turtles, Cichlids, Basslets, Lionfish, Boxfish, Rays, Lungfish, Pufferfish,Triggerfish, Piranha, Sharks, Butterflyfish, Electric Fish, Piranha's, Basslets - Groupers, Polypterus, Pygmy Angels.Best Before Guarantee: 31/03/2025

Invertebrate Food 100g
18.10 AED
General Information:
A blend of finely minced mussel, cockle, algae and other essential ingredients ideal for all marine filter-feeding organisms.
Ingredients: Molluscs and crustaceans.
Recommended For: Nano Reef, Angels, Angels - Pygmy Angels, Shrimps, Damsels, Mandarins - Cardinals, Hawkfish, Soft Corals, Invertebrates, Gobies, Blennies, Surgeonfish, Mandarins, Hard Corals, Crustaceans, Anthias, Gobies - Blennies, Cardinals, Damsels - Anthias, Clownfish, Pygmy Angels.Best Before Guarantee: 31/03/2025

Lance Fish 100g
20.95 AED
General information:
Lance fish are small, elongated fish that occur naturally in large schools in shallow sandy areas. They are a natural well-balanced meal for predator type carnivorous fish. They are collected and immediately fresh frozen to maintain all of the available nutrients.
Ingredients: Hypomesus sp.
Recommended For: Asian Arowana, Brackish Water Fish, Stonefish, Oddballs, Blowfish, Mudskipper, South-American Cichlids, Stingrays, Sharks - Rays, South American Arowana, Groupers, Lionfish - Stonefish, Box-, Blow- and Pufferfish, Turtles, Cichlids, Basslets, Lionfish, Boxfish, Rays, Lungfish, Pufferfish, Triggerfish, Piranha, Sharks, Electric Fish, Piranha's, Basslets - Groupers, Polypterus.Best Before Guarantee: 30/09/2025

Frozen Formula Two 100g
29.05 AED
Frozen Formula Food is an excellent gourmet diet, specially formulated to meet the nutritional needs of herbivorous/omnivorous marine tropicals (like f.e. angelfish, butterflyfish, chromis, Moorish idols, surgeonfish, etc.). This premium blend contains a variety of fresh seafood, macro- and micro algae, garlic and softly binded soluble micronutrients such as vitamins, immunostimulants, carotenoids and attractive natural flavours. Instructions for use: push out the required amount of cubes into a recipient. Let them defrost, without water, at room temperature during minimum 10 to 15 minutes before feeding. Your fish should be fed 2 to 5 times a day, only feed the amount that the fish will consume within 5 minutes.Best Before Guarantee: 30/06/2027

Frozen Formula One 100g
29.05 AED
Frozen Formula Food is an excellent gourmet diet, developed for carnivorous/omnivorous marine tropicals (like f.e. basslets, butterflyfish, cardinals, wrasses, lionfish, etc.). This premium blend contains a variety of fresh seafood, garlic and softly binded soluble micronutrients such as vitamins, immunostimulants, carotenoids and attractive natural flavours. Instructions for use: push out the required amount of cubes into a recipient. Let them defrost, without water, at room temperature during minimum 10 to 15 minutes before feeding. Your fish should be fed 2 to 5 times a day, only feed the amount that the fish will consume within 5 minutes.Best Before Guarantee: 31/03/2028

Frozen Prime Reef Formula 100g
29.05 AED
A natural Frozen Formula Food containing a variety of fresh seafood, garlic, micro-algae, fresh fish and softly binded soluble micronutrients such as vitamins, immunostimulants, carotenoids and attractive natural flavours. Instructions for use: push out the required amount of cubes into a recipient. Let them defrost, without water, at room temperature during minimum 10 to 15 minutes before feeding. The fish should be fed 2 to 5 times a day, only feed the amount that the fish will consume within 5 minutes.Best Before Guarantee: 30/06/2027

Frozen Spirulina Formula 100g
32.38 AED
An algae rich Frozen Formula Food, based on Spirulina, a nutritionally valuable blue-green algae known for its color and health enhancing properties and high protein content. To improve the flavor and enhance palatability. Contains softly binded soluble micronutrients such as vitamins, immunostimulants, carotenoids and attractive natural flavours. Instructions for use: push out the required amount of cubes into a recipient. Let them defrost, without water, at room temperature during minimum 10 to 15 minutes before feeding. The fish should be fed 2 to 5 times a day, only feed the amount that the fish will consume within 5 minutes.
Best Before Guarantee: 30/09/2026

Discus Balance Red 100g
19.05 AED
General Information:
Discus Balance Red is the Discus Balance formula, but thanks to the inclusion of additional carotenoids, it will intensify the vibrant red colors of all red Discus varieties. - Made only from fresh, top-quality ingredients like beef heart, spinach, mussels, bloodworms, garlic, … - A perfect combination of high-quality proteins and selected lipids to obtain balanced growth and health.
- Contains spirulina algae to enhance the natural colors and fresh garlic to improve the resistance against parasites. - Successful breeding guaranteed.
Ingredients: Beef heart, spinach, mussels, bloodworms, fish eggs, garlic, spirulina, carotenoid pigments.
Recommended For: Dwarf Cichlids, South-American Cichlids, Angels, Turtles, Cichlids, Discus, Discus - AngelsBest Before Guarantee: 31/07/2027

Discus Quintet 100g
20.00 AED
General Information:
A premium blend of five different Discus foods combined in one package. The five ingredients include Discusfood, Discusfood + 30% Artemia, Discusfood + 30% Krill, Discus Color and turkey heart.
Ingredients: Meat and animal derivatives, vegetables, molluscs and crustaceans.
Recommended For: Dwarf Cichlids, South-American Cichlids, Angels, Cichlids, Discus, Discus - Angels, Piranha, Piranha's.Best Before Guarantee: 31/05/2027